It has been wrongly cons,dered for a long time that resolving problems is a
fundamental science activity. This activity is a characteristic when considering others
human activities. Nevertheless, such activity constitutes an intrinsical element of
human common life in ah spheres of his or her daily life and both individual and social
life, it has gone into of the scientific field to be applied to anothers. This has been
thought to be an expression of creative thinking.
Due to it, since education in science different alternatives and approaches have been
proposed. focusing in solving of problems like a process that con tributes to the
appropriation of a scientific culture, that it is put at service of human being and it
contributes well-being and of course, to elevate his or her qualty of life and of the
groups it involves.
Given the importance of the theme for education, in this paper it’s shown the Line of
lnvestígation about solving problems in the frame of Doctorate in Education with
emphasis in Education in Natural Science. Consequently, it presents succinctly the
fundamental developings in the field, in order to point out the lineaments of this line of
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Derechos de autor 2017 TED: Tecné, Episteme y Didaxis
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