Filosofía cósmica en Hojas de hierba de Walt Whitman


  • Luis Fernando Gómez Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Palabras clave:

Filosofía cósmica, conciencia cósmica, transcendentalismo, confucianismo, unificación, santidad, misticismo, poeta ideal, iglesia unitaria


One hundred and fifty years ago, in 1855, Leaves of Grass was first published in the United States having several editions by his author, this unique poetical work became Walt Whitman's inspiring gift to America and to the whole world. As a tribute to the high creativity and the influential thoughts of this poet, this article intends to explore Whitman's cosmic philosophy in his poetry based on his insight of "the Ideal Poet", who is able to experience a sense of sacredness, a sense of timelessness and a sense of unification with the whole cosmos. His cosmic vision also provides an ethical teaching to the human race and reveals man's capacity to reach the divine.


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Biografía del autor/a

Luis Fernando Gómez, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Profesor del Departamento de Lenguas de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.


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Cómo citar

Gómez, L. F. (2006). Filosofía cósmica en Hojas de hierba de Walt Whitman. Folios, (23), 81–89. Recuperado a partir de


