La relación entre conocimiento común y conocimiento científico en el contexto de la enseñanza, aprendizaje y cambio conceptual de las ciencias


  • Alfonso Claret Zambrano



This paper analyses the research approach on the relationship between scientific
scholar knowledge of the teacher and common previous knowledge of students in
school within the context of teaching, learning and conceptual change in sciences.
The paper shows two sections: the first is about conceptual historical development of
the research question. ln this sense the first question was How the students learn
sciences and its transformation into the second, third , fourth and fifth question was
justified on the light of the reading of the following works, mainly: Piaget, A usubel ,
Driver, Vygotsky, and Bachelard, Canguilhem, Kuhn, Lakatos, Popper and others
authors. The second explains the research question taking into consideration the
meaning of the teacher, the pupil and the scientific knowledge in the classroom. For
this purpose it is necessary to design a conceptual structure in order to analyze the
relations, the concepts and the research problems of the teaching, learning and
assessment in sciences. The structure shows the relationship of the teacher and the
pupilas knowledge relationship. This is the cause why scientific knowledge must be
considered as the hard core of the science teaching. But scientific knowledge in this
case is seen as a product of the its historical and epistemological development and
the way as scientific knowledge changes in science is the basis forthinking about
conceptual change of students in the classroom. The paper ends showing the aims
of the researcher engaged in this approach.


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Cómo citar

Claret Zambrano, A. (1998). La relación entre conocimiento común y conocimiento científico en el contexto de la enseñanza, aprendizaje y cambio conceptual de las ciencias. Tecné, Episteme Y Didaxis: TED, (3).



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